Naacas Sevens Sustainable Procurement Solutions is a webapp that evaluates procurement companies on the above mentioned practices and makes recommendations to organisation looking to procure through strategic sustainable means. It also eases the whole process of procurement by centralising the supply capabilities, financial capability and previous sustainable methods implemented by the procurement company. It also offers the ability of organisation to track the procurement process and recommend the procurement company. LEARN MORE


Crypto Bank

Getting procurement companies that have been properly vetted has never been this easy.

Leaf Life

We have several gotten contracts and tender through NACAAS and as a company we have been able to get ROI

World Dynamics

With a high number of companies bidding for company projects, NACAAS 7s has placed us on the limelight giving us a better shot everytime.

Vicky Construction

Since profiling our company on NACAAS 7s, we have had a wider reach to customers and we have therefore been able to make tremendous growth as a company.